hydrotherapy of the colon
Rediscover suppleness and a smooth with regular colonic hydrotherapy.
A simple and pleasant method for cleaning the large intestine (colon) completely.
cleanse the body, liberate the spirit.
ancient practice updated by new technology, colonic hydrotherapy is not only a hygiene method
but a preventive measure against ailments.
Since President Reagan was discovered to have cancer of the colon, Americans have interested more
in regular cleansing of their large intestine in an effort to avoid medical conditions triggered
by eating habits rich in fats.
More effective than a simple cleansing, colonic irrigation is a mild treatment, complemented by
rinsing of the large intestine. The method consists of introducing fresh filtered water into
the colon through the rectum and massaging the stomach to stimulate circulation and evacuation of
old waste attached to the walls of the intestine.
Day after day, waste and toxins from our diet, stress and pollution, clog the colon
(the garbage disposal of the organism) which slowly loses its elimination efficiency.
Through hydrotherapy, the circulation of approximately 70 litres of filtered water in the colon
for approximately an hour allows for elimination of all waste embedded in the folds of the
intestinal walls (faecal matter, mucous covering discharge, irritating residue, parasites)
and favours gas elimination.
Have a look at two photographs by
clicking here, you'll be surprised by the quantity.
The benefits of hydrotherapy are effective immediately : smooth stomach, good mood, stimulated
circulation, improved digestion. Drainage continues through the organism for several days,
diminishing oedemas, tired legs, weight, prostate swelling...
After 16 years of practise (since 1990) the advantages of hydrotherapy continue to astound,
as patients reveal a signifiant well-being upon treatment.
Three colonics irrigations are necessary for the best efficacity.
where is the colon?
At the end of the digestive tube is the small intestine (look at
the anatomy of the abdomen ). It is through the colon that food wastes (faeces, stools) transit and where they accumulate after digestion, which takes place in the small intestine. Between the small intestine and the colon is a valve which opens only in the direction of evacuation.
The colon measures 1m20 to 1m80 in length and its diameter is variable; it can be very looped, with nooks and crannies. Any anomaly of form and size tends to slow down the progression of faeces towards removal through the anus.
what happens in the colon ?
When one has a bowel movement, normally once or twice a day, matters are eliminated that are located in the last thirty centimetres of the colon.
Over the years, matters that are not eliminated build up in the colon and become incrusted in the mucous membrane.
Faecal matters undergo the action of bacteria (normal hosts of the organism) and are broken down into highly toxic products (producing foul-smelling odours).
These toxins irritate the mucous membrane of the colon, but they also circulate in the blood and in the lymphatic system.
why wash out the colon ?
Hydrotherapy of the colon makes it possible to evacuate these old matters as well as to clean the wall of the colon where wastes become incrusted.
The beneficial effects of this cleaning are immediate and numerous.
After the session, one has a sensation of well-being and dynamism; one's cheeks are pink, since blood circulation is stimulated during the session.
The stomach is no longer distended, and it's possible to tighten one's belt a little more. In addition to the disappearance of gas and better breath, blood circulation is activated with the disappearance of oedemas in the lower members and, progressively, of cellulite, resulting in noticeable slimming. The kidneys function better, and the evacuation of colic germs makes it possible for chronic urinary infections starting in the intestine to disappear.
There is a general detoxification of the organism, progressive disappearance of allergies, rheumatism, chronic infections such as sinusitis and skin infections. Digestion is improved. The effects are also felt in the psyche : ideas become clearer and one is in a better mood. One feels a decrease in anxiety. Poor elimination of faecal matters is a cause of depression. Is it not said of a person in a bad mood that "he looks constipated" ?
It is also an effective way to prevent diseases of the colon (such as colon cancer). Washing the colon cleans the diverticulas and thus makes it possible to avoid infection of accumulated matters, which eliminates the major problem linked to the diverticula. When there is constipation, hydrotherapies of the colon will obviously help return to a normal transit.
how many sessions are necessary ?
It is necessary to have a second and a third hydrotherapy several days after the first one in order to better clean out an intestine that has been encrusted for years.
Two cures a year of two or three sessions are generally sufficient for the prevention of diseases. However, some long and dilated colons need to be cleaned more often (once a month or once every four months).
how does a session of hydrotherapy of the colon take place ?
A session lasts around one hour. Contrary to enemas done by oneself, hydrotherapy of the colon is pleasant and not painful.
The first session is always somewhat disturbing : for this reason, the person is asked to settle in comfortably and relax a few minutes before beginning. To be well relaxed during your hydrotherapy,
here is some advices.
The person lies down on the right side, covered with a bath towel. A lubricated double-circuit cannula is introduced gently into the anus. The cannula and the tubes are for a single use.
The colon is filled gently and progressively with filtered lukewarm water at a slow flow. One
doesn't feel the water entering the intestine.
To help the water progress and so as for the matters to come unstuck and be evacuated, the therapist massages the stomach during the session according to a specific technique.
Water is filled and evacuated an average of 10 to 15 times at a low flow and variable temperature (between 30° and 37°).
When the water comes out clear, pull out the cannula gently. The person then goes to the toilet in order to urinate and empty the remaining water. The apparatus is disinfected automatically.
effectiveness of hydrotherapy of the colon.
Old matters that are hard, stuck and incrusted in the mucous membranes are difficult to get out because of the loops, nooks, folds, crypts and length as well as the diameter of the colon. Many colons have decreased peristalsis or spasms. On seeing the quantity of matter eliminated (most come out only after 30 to 40 minutes of hydrotherapy), one can easily understand that hydrotherapy is necessary for evacuation of these matters that would not come out naturally. Look at these
two photographs you'll be surprised by the amount of matters which is eliminated !
This accumulation of matters explains the frequency of cancer, colitis, flatulence and digestive disorders suffered by 90% of the population after age 50 (and sometimes earlier).
specific indications
Dolichomegacolons, persons who are chronically constipated, and persons who have no appetite, who digest poorly and become flatulent on the first mouthfuls, have gas and bad breath or who undergo a detoxification cure (fasting).
Toxic and infectious diarrhoeas. Circulatory disorders, oedemas, cellulite, back pains, recurrent urinary infections, painful menstruations, genital infections (in men and in women), headaches, skin infections, allergies, fatigue, nightmares, irritability and overweight are improved by eliminating from the organism wastes that intoxicate. Hydrotherapy is also recommended in preparation for colonoscopies and X-rays of the colon.
who is forbidden to do hydrotherapies of the colon ?
Contraindications are rare.
Needless to say, people who are quite old and tired, who have recently had operations on the intestine or abdomen and persons suffering from a heart condition.
Locally, anal fistulas and hæmerrhoidal growths (or other anal pathologies) can make insertion of the cannula uncomfortable.
In this case, it is necessary to have a hæmerrhoid treatment before proceeding with the session, which is very beneficial in acting against the reappearance of hæmerrhoids.
A precise medical questionnaire makes it possible to detect contraindications and foresee how the session will take place.
is there prior preparation ?
Hydrotherapy of the colon is not painful. In fact, it is even pleasant and relaxing. However, there must not be too many hard matters, as is often the case.
To soften up matters and help them come loose, it is recommended that plants be taken for two days prior to the session (two in the morning and two in the evening). But do not take PSYLLIUM !
For effective detoxification, it is necessary not to have eaten for six hours and to eat lighter than usual the day prior to the session.
During a fast, it is good to do a hydrotherapy of the colon the first day and to start again the third day (or the fourth or the fifth day, according to its duration).